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19 Aug

Community Spotlight: Aug 19th 2019

Welcome to another installation of our community spotlight series!

Today we'd like to share a great Trailer Blocks installation with you. Nick from Colorado has gone with our 3" lift kit for his tandem axle travel trailer. He mentioned to us that the heavy duty truck and trailer are now towing great together. The rig looks to be towing level as it should be.

Heavy-duty Ram and Travel trailer towing level.

Side view of the level truck and trailer.

Nick's Trailer Blocks installation under the trailer.

Everything is looking really good Nick! - Congratulations on your success!

Just a reminder to our valued customers: If you are willing to share a picture or two with us of your rig showing your Trailer Blocks installation, we'll send you a discount code to save money on future purchases.

Thanks for reading, pass on your thoughts or comments in the space below.

29 Mar

Community Spotlight: Dec 20 2018

Welcome back to the Community Spotlight, where we share stories and photos from our community about their trailers, block/kit installations and more!

In today's entry, we're taking a look at Darren from South Dakota who acquired some 3" tall MIL-8625 Type III hardcoat anodized lift blocks and sent us some nice imagery of his installation. Darren reached out to us via our custom form, http://bit.ly/1oD8mcf which is very handy for assisting with much more accurate recommendations for our customers.




As you can see from the pictures above, Darren's trailer is now perfectly level and riding comfortably with his new Anodized Trailer Blocks kit installed.

Note that you can always cut off the extra thread of the U-bolt if you need more clearance.

If you’d like to share your pictures and stories, please submit them to us at: contact@trailerblocks.com. Remember we'll send you a discount code for a future order if you do! Thanks again to Darren for the quality photos!

Thank you for participating in The Trailer Blocks Blog.

13 May

Community Spotlight: May 13 2018

Welcome back to the Community Spotlight, where we share stories and photos from our community about their trailers, block/kit installations and more!

Today, we're taking a look at Mark from Alberta, who bought a 3" lift kit with blocks and U-bolts to correct his off-balance trailer that was nearly scraping the road  whenever he took it out.


As you can see from the photo above, Mark's trailer is now properly leveled and hitched to his F-350, ready to hit the road!


If you’d like to share your pictures and stories, please submit them to us at: contact@trailerblocks.com. Remember we'll send you a discount code for a future order if you do! Thanks again to Mark for the photos!

Thank you for participating in The Trailer Blocks Blog.

04 May

Community Spotlight: May 4th 2018

Welcome back to the Trailer Blocks Community Spotlight, where we showcase photos and stories submitted by the community of their installations of our lift/lowering blocks. Today’s entry focuses on Brian from Oregon who was looking for a lift solution to his trailer when driveway clearance became an issue backing in.

brians trailer

Brian opted for a full 3” lift kit with U-bolts and tie plates and after he installed it, he told us that it eliminated the headaches he was having with the truck/trailer height differential. As you’ll see in the great photos he provided below, Brian’s installation went off without a hitch.

Before installing Trailer Blocks, and during the installation

If you’d like to share your trailer pictures and stories, please submit them to us at: contact@trailerblocks.com. Remember we'll send you a discount code for a future order if you do! Thanks again to Brian and family for the quality photos!

Thank you for participating in The Trailer Blocks Blog.

12 Oct

Community Spotlight: October 12, 2016

Welcome back to the Trailer Blocks Community Spotlight, where we showcase photos and stories submitted by the community of their installations of our lift/lowering blocks.

James' rig before and after Trailer Blocks Kit

Today our spotlight focuses on James from Virginia, who first contacted us back in April looking for a leveling solution to his Highland Ridge fifth wheel trailer. 

He told us his trailer was running a bit too nose high and we were able to help him develop the right custom kit to provide the necessary lift to balance the trailer out. As you'll see, the customized 3.5" blocks and kit were able to provide James with the lift and stability he needed to get his trailer ready for the roads ahead.

If you'd like to share your trailer photos and/or stories, feel free to submit them to: contact@trailerblocks.com. Thank you James and thanks for reading! 



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